
Archive for the ‘Creativity’ Category

Not just thinking about Art

May 3, 2010 1 comment

It occurred to me earlier that thinking about Art is not doing Art! Several things are involved in actually doing Art. Granted, the first part of doing Art is thinking about it and about doing it. But it doesn’t become Art until you can get it out of your head and to some place where it can be shared. Your Art was given to you to share or to give away.

“Merely” thinking about your Art doesn’t “get it out there.” Doing your Art – for others whomever they are – is the reason we produce our Art. A poem, a score or a drawing on a piece of paper are all thoughts about something Art. Until the poem, the music, or the building are able to be experienced by others, true Art has not yet happened.

Given time not only will your Art be recognized as such, but it will also touch the heart and soul of each person who sees it.

Don’t just think about it; get it done!

What Art is Not

April 7, 2010 Leave a comment

Art is not painting or drawing or photography or producing ceramic objects. Art is not acting or dancing. Art is not singing or playing a musical instrument. Art is not writing poetry, short stories, or song lyrics. Art isn’t even directing or teaching.

These are all “merely” expressions of Art.

What is Art, then? Art is what comes from deep within your mind and your soul. It expresses who  you really are. Who God created you to be.

“In the beginning God created ….” Among the many things He created is  mankind. He created us to have all His attributes — including the capacity to create. The capacity to create Art.

Art, then, is a Gift from God and how well we use it truly determines who we really are in Jesus Christ. If we use it poorly it will reflect poorly on who we are. If we use it well and use it to honor God it will be a witness to why and how God expects us to demonstrate His Gift of Art.